Redline magazine competition winners
Monday, June 27, 2011
It’s redspecial time again
Monday, June 20, 2011
The power of the Thank You card
Thursday, June 9, 2011
We recently ran a blog about Holly Cartmell from ‘So You’ hairdressing who sends hand-written appointment reminders and vouchers to her clients.
It seems that Holly is bang on trend here – check out this article from about a customer’s experience with Brooke Brothers in the US and how much a hand written thank you note has made his whole experience worth talking about (you’ll have to ignore the misspelling of stationery!!!). It’s this sort of recommendation that you just can’t pay for and the sort of thing that makes you stand out from your competition.
Why don’t you try it and see if it makes a difference to your business? It doesn’t have to be hard – just give it a go for a week - have a bunch of cards and a box of stamps in your drawer and send one out to each customer who buys from you – you don’t have to write much as you can see from the shopify example, but you can be sure it will make a big impression.
There are lots of great cool stationery stores here in NZ – check out and for starters. And once you’re in the swing of it, why not go one step further and get your own personalised stamps designed – see what you can do here.
If this is something you’re already doing we’d love to see examples, and to hear about the feedback you get from your customers.