Have you ever been frustrated by a website? Got lost navigating around, not been able to find the information you want?
In a country where computer ownership and usage is so high, company websites are often the first point of contact for a potential customer. When we get there we have high expectations of being able to find out exactly what we want to know. And the experience we have on that site will immediately give us an impression of that company.
Here at New Zealand Post we are working to overhaul our website and improve the customer experience it delivers. As we progress we’d love your feedback and opinions on what does and doesn’t work.
We are currently evaluating three potential concepts for our site navigation and we’d love you tell us what you think.
The evaluation takes 5 - 10 minutes during which you will be given a series of tasks to complete, there are no right or wrong answers, and all information you provide will be kept confidential.
As a thank you, each participant will go in the draw to win a $100 Prezzy Card. Just click here and give it a go.
Of course, if you have any additional comments you can post them here at redline and we will add them to the feedback.