'Have you lost your work mojo?' Stuff's Business Day reports that 'most of us at some stage in our careers or jobs lose that oomph'.
It's no coincidence that I came across this article while looking at the sun from our office window and contemplating getting a coffee (Mojo funnily enough) to boost my productivity!
As an independent business owner you drive your business and probably can't afford a lull in motivation, whether that's yourself or any employees you may have. So given the long hike through winter is over and the long awaited Labour Day holiday is around the corner it's time to dust yourself off, have a spring clean of your mind and regain focus.
Since the Happiness Institute is offering advice I thought I would refer back to a copy of redline magazine and add our ten cents worth to give your business brain a boost:
- Remember why you started your business in the first place.
- Remember how passionate you were when you first started your business.
- Review your goals and tick off your achievements.
- Think about the direction of your company, what it needs and go for it.
And if you have employees consider their current state of mind and invest some time in keeping them upbeat. Take 5 minutes a day to come together and talk about something other than work. We are in agreement here, in the Business Markets team at New Zealand Post House, that when we come together as a team for the 5 minute quiz we go away refreshed and work much harder afterwards.
What are your tips?