When you’re away from home it’s often the little things you miss, and nothing brought that home to me more this week than watching the story of Mei Barry unfold.
For those who don’t know, Mei Barry is the 17 year old New Zealander who was one of 64 people rescued from a Canadian ship full of high school and university students on an educational trip. The ship sank and the students spent nearly 40 hours in the life rafts waiting to be rescued.
Apparently Mei had never sailed before and was scared prior to going on the ship. Her father, Desmond, told 3News one of the hardest moments was to let her go on the boat knowing how afraid she was.
And what did she ask for when they finally managed to speak to her? Milk Bottle lollies! I would say she deserves a lifetime supply.
I guess that’s where mail can’t be beaten – when you need to send something physical – large or small - mail’s the only thing that can do the job. Fortunately it’s easy to pop a packet of lollies in a bag and post them off anywhere in the world.
I hope that Mei’s Milk Bottles are well on their way by now – and if you’d like to receive some lollies, leave a comment about the best thing you've received in the mail, and I will send a packet out for the best anecdote.