What are you reading?

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Now that I’m writing a blog I’m starting to notice how many there are out there, and even checking out one or two. Sometimes they pop up when I’m least expecting them, like Sarah Kate Lynch’s on the ASB banking site - it was very entertaining and I’ll check it out again, but I’m not sure what it had to do with banking. So then I got to thinking, does that matter? And I guess that’s the thing with social media – everything I read says it’s about creating valuable two way communication, and to do that you need to know what presses your customers’ buttons.

Looking back I see plenty of evidence of you interacting with redline - in December we asked how you would feel about some proposed changes to the ParcelPost range of products, and that certainly generated some comment! It was great to get all your feedback and we’ll be using it to help us in our planning for the development of this range of products going forward.

The number of comments received suggests there are quite a few of you out there using ParcelPost on a regular basis – so make sure you check out our current 15% off sale on ParcelPost postage included bags and pre-paid tickets, available exclusively online.

We’ve also had a couple of comments asking us to look in more detail at the Business Services industry in a future edition of redline. So, we’re planning this will be a key feature in Issue 9, due out in July. I’d love to hear more about what you’d like to see us include – we want to make sure redline is an engaging and relevant read, so let me know what you’d like covered. Maybe you have ideas on specific products we should be developing, or improving existing ones, or perhaps you’d like us to look at general trends in this area and how they are affecting businesses like yours.

Whatever your thoughts, we’d love to hear them – the good, the bad and the ugly!