Happy New Year!
With most of us back at work, the kids back at school, and the sun finally now deciding to shine, our thoughts here at redline are focused once again on our next edition of our magazine.
Not only is it a New Year, it’s also a new decade and so what better time to take a fresh look at what you do and how you do it? That’s certainly what we’ll be doing here at redline - with the explosion of the internet and social media it sometimes feels it’s hard to keep up, or even work out, how and what we should be keeping up with and this is something we’re planning to look at in our next issue.
Personally I hardly ever look at my Facebook page, and I’ve never even tried Twitter, but increasingly it seems I’m in the minority - even my local cafe offered to ‘tweet’ me their latest news when I went in for my usual morning latte! And so, as I tentatively venture into the world of blogging, the time has come when I can no longer ignore what is increasingly becoming the norm. Having just read that there are now over a hundred million bloggers worldwide it’s clearly not something limited to the early adopters!
What I am really looking forward to is the opportunity blogging affords to communicate directly with our customers, so please continue to send us your thoughts on our magazine and blog so that we can continue to ensure it’s relevant and helpful to you. I’d love to hear any stories you have of how your business is embracing these new media choices, so post your comments and share your experiences with others in the redline community.
I shall be babysitting redline whilst your usual editor, Louisa, settles into life with her beautiful new baby son, and we wish her and her family all the best as they move into this new phase of their lives.