Thank you for all your comments last week on the progress of our new website, it’s so good to hear all the opinions and to know we’re on the right track.
One of our key objectives with the re-design is to make the website more customer focussed so that it’s easier for you to find what you need.
We’ve also been busy working on how we present our product and service information offline so that it’s as relevant to you as possible. We know it can be confusing! We do have lots of products and services, many of which you’ve probably never even heard of. It can sometimes seem that they are our best kept secrets.
So we’ve grouped together all our products and services into four fold-out Solutions Guides – great for putting up on the wall, or just keeping to refer to. Each guide will give you an introduction to all the relevant offerings and tell you where to go to find out more on our website.
There’s a Solutions Guide on how we can help Kiwi business who are exporting, another for those of you who are distance selling, a third on finding and keeping good customers, and the fourth one covers how we can generally help make business life easier.
If you’d like a free copy of any or all of these Solution Guides simply call us during business hours on 0800 501 501 and select option 1 to talk to our Business Team.