Aspiring to grow is a natural part of being business minded. So, dream big. Set your sights high, but realise your business goals in a sensible, considered and practical way. Identify where you’re at. If you don’t know where you are in business, you won’t know where you’re going. One of your first jobs is to assess where your company is at.
Have a growth plan: If you’re going to grow your business you have to have a plan. This will provide a firm foundation upon which you can start to build your company. It will also help you manage your growth.
Get your house in order: If you need to boost your resources - whether it’s better cash flow, extra staff, safer systems or more sophisticated phone and internet capabilities - it’s best to do it before you find yourself in the middle of a business growth spurt.
Use all the help you can: You don’t have to make any uninformed decisions - even if you’re a sole trader. Remember, you are not on your own. Talk to the experts. Contact the business advisers. Google whatever it is you’re trying to do. Use social networking sites. Just make sure you use all the resources that are available.
Do you have any tips for others planning for growth - maybe something that worked really well, or something you wish you'd done differently? Share your experience here.