John Key summed it up when he said that ‘New Zealand is facing its worst ever tragedy’ and for so many of our redline readers this will have been the worst couple of weeks in memory. Our redline team would like to express our best wishes to everyone who has been impacted by the Christchurch earthquake and aftershocks, our thoughts are with you.
Amongst the stories in the media there has been evidence of some uplifting acts of kindness, ordinary people displaying great Kiwi spirit. Often people don’t know how to help in this kind of situation so if you need some direction we can point you to our website. New Zealand Post has joined forces with New Zealand Red Cross to accept cash donations at PostShop and Kiwibank stores or online for natural disasters that strike here and in the Pacific.
The redline team would like to hear from our Christchurch readers if you are able, to know that you are ok. Also, we’d like to hear from businesses that are helping our Christchurch friends. So please comment on this article and post your initiatives so others can offer their support.
It’s with regret that at this time I also have to tell you that the March issue will be my last issue as Editor. It’s an amazing issue that I’m immensely proud of but I do wish I could have delivered it at a more happy time for our readers. Events such as the earthquake make you think of family and I had already decided to take time out to spend more time with mine. I’ve loved developing redline and hearing from you. I can only encourage you to keep commenting and talking to the team, I can hand on heart tell you that the team is listening and eager to create solutions to make life easier for your business – so use them.
Once again, the redline team would like to let our readers know that we are thinking of them. Take care of yourselves and each other.