As part of our plan to be closer to New Zealand business, we've been out and about talking with people from a wide range of industries, hearing about the challenges and opportunities you're facing.
The recession has been tough for business and while we may not be singing about the recovery from the rooftops just yet, businesses are breathing a sigh of relief at the prospect of better times ahead and hoping that the IMF’s discussion this week around ongoing recession doesn’t become a reality. For parts of the business community the “International Festival of the Oval Ball” has been timely in offering business new markets and possibilities.
As we talk with business, a key theme we keep hearing is the need to keep and also find more customers. Diversifying into the online space has opened up a global economy for many businesses, bringing with it new markets and new challenges around technology, 24 hour business days and for exporters, the NZ dollar’s current highs. Customers are embracing the online environment, as this recent article discusses.
The recent harder times have forced us all to be more creative in our approach to business as we work harder, smarter, faster and leaner. What we’re hearing is that, on the whole, you (and so do we) want to simplify how your business operates and interacts.
So thanks to those people who've taken the time to talk with us so far.
What's super important for us is that these conversations need to be ongoing, not a one-off, so that we stay in touch with what's happening in your world. We'd love to hear from you any time - whether you'd like to share more about what's happening in your business, industry, town, an idea for New Zealand Post to make business easier for you - drop us a line at and we'll make sure your email gets to the right people.
Every business is different. What are your key challenges at the moment? Keen to hear your thoughts.